I.D Health Card

I’m on a beach in my car racing a bus looking for my health card buried in the dark . Looking beyond the lines of my face looking beyond the shape of my gender looking beyond the dryness of my skin. Henson and Lucas have shown us a peak into the future existing as entity’s eternals ....some may have souls, some may have none. Our souls may be what we call “consciousness” being awake inside a dream or creation state animals, A.I, people , creatures of all walks of the universe converging together liquidating together consciousness inside of consciousness ..creating inside of creation.. prejudice may decimate.... acceptance in how we choose to be may be accepted, but the rudimentary fight of good and evil the basic bitch problem from day one… will just take on a new form …yin yang - push and pull is the root of it all. Greed. lust ,pride power won’t disappear at all ... We universe inside of universe inside of universe wandering amongst godless heavens and burned out stars. Why fuck? Why? What is the point of it all??? Is there a god???

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